WWE WrestleMania 30 - Multiple Divas Title Match Expected?

By John Canton /

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MB6M6njKKI Last night on WWE Main Event on the WWE Network, the Divas Champion AJ Lee successfully defended her title against Natalya. Prior to the match, there was speculation via PWInsider that AJ could lose the title as a way to punish her due to the actions of her boyfriend CM Punk. Instead AJ came out on top thanks to Tamina's interference in a very competitive match that went nearly 15 minutes. Regarding a possible Divas Title match at WrestleMania, the speculation is that it would be a match involving several divas. The most likely contenders are stars from Total Divas such as Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Natalya, Naomi (if she's healthy) and Cameron. It's just a question of how many women they want to include in the match. It's unlikely that they're going to have a battle royal due to the other battle royal on the card, so if they have six women in the match it could either be elimination or first fall wins the match. The Divas Title reign of AJ Lee has lasted 270 days to this point. It's the longest Divas Title reign ever. It's likely that the title change will happen at WrestleMania. That is, if they have a match at WrestleMania. We don't know that as a sure thing right now, but here's hoping that the women get a chance to perform on the big stage in New Orleans. In other diva news, former Divas Champion Michelle McCool was at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando helping to train the NXT divas this week. There were rumours last year that McCool was contemplating a return to the ring. Perhaps that will be something that happens at WrestleMania or she may just be there as a guest trainer as other former WWE stars have done in the past. Since there are a so many new women in the company now, McCool's return would help bolster the division and create some fresh matchups as well. Will the divas have a role at WrestleMania? Keep on watching WWE programming to find out.
