WWE WrestleMania 32: 9 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know

Which former WWE stars may return tonight?

By David McCutcheon /

WrestleMania is the platform for change, as well as finality. So many storylines and feuds come to a climax at the grandest stage of them all on a yearly basis, and the company starts anew with different creative directions and wrestlers cast in new, invigorating roles. WrestleMania and the post-Mania RAW always deliver at least a few surprises, and this one is setting up for something shocking at numerous stages of the program.


We€™ve been scouring the Internet for the most interesting last-minute rumors and bombshells that the event could possibly produce, and we were blown away at the sheer amount of crazy things that could happen at WrestleMania 32. Uproarious returns, devastating debuts, unbelievable stunts, and a tidal wave of much needed change will be on the horizon, regardless of how many of these rumors come true, and some things that perhaps we were not expecting whatsoever.

This is a list of the most interesting things circling the wrestling communities from credible, trusted sources that could happen at WrestleMania 32, and for the sake of the product, we certainly hope that some of them hit the mark.


9.Shane Is Still Crazy


In case you were wondering if any of the lunacy in Shane McMahon€™s brain had been quelled with age and wisdom in his successful overseas business ventures, the answer is a resounding €œHell no€. The man who made his made of professional wrestling over the years with outrageous stuntssuch as falling from the Titan Tron in a move that took cajones to watch, let alone performhas something huge planned for his Hell in a Cell match against the Undertaker.

WrestleMania 32 will look to push the envelope comparatively to other Manias from the PG era of the WWE. Atop the street fight brawl between Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar will be this brutal Hell in a Cell. Word on the street is that Shane may be preparing to take a larger than life splash once again off of the 40-foot Titan Tron at the grandest stage of them all. No word on how the fight will spill from the cell itself to set-up such an extravagant stunt, but it€™d be hard to top such a feat anywhere else on the card.


Shane looks to be in tip-top condition, which is strange for someone who has not wrestled in years. Sporting a hearty six-pack on Monday Night RAW, the shoe-shufflin€™ Shane-O-Mac landed one amazing elbow drop for free on the program, making all of us wonder what type of spots could be planned for the big show that matters. When you€™re the son of a billionaire, sometimes you need to defy death itself by laughing at in it the face in order to get your jollies. Hey, no judging, just don€™t get severely injured and it€™s alright by us.