WWE Wrestlers Fear More Releases Coming Soon, Believe Tapings Should Stop

Another day, another worrying story from the Performance Center...

By Andy H Murray /


Several WWE wrestlers have told the Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer that they believe the promotion should stop taping television and shut operations down as the global health crisis tightens its grip on the promotion.


This is on the back of a horrendous news week for the promotion, with a reported two-dozen personnel testing positive following WWE's first full round of company-wide tests - and more following later in the week. Adam Pearce, Renee Young, Jamie Noble, and Kayla Braxton are the only specific names to be confirmed thus far.

Meltzer states that the wrestlers he spoke to attended the tapings anyway. Said performers are also fearful of another round of budget cuts, as wrestlers feel easily replaceable despite being told that there would be no repercussions for deciding against working these TV tapings. WWE's last round of cuts saw dozens of independent contractors released or furloughed on 15 April.


Some believe that if WWE feels they don't have a good enough reason, like health concerns, it may later be used against them. Contract freezes are another worry, as those who opt of out the Performance Center tapings could have their deals put on ice to extend them while they sit out.