WWE's AJ Styles Praises "Unbelievable" AEW Star

Styles got a huge kick out of this match from last week's AEW Dynamite.

By Andy H Murray /

AJ Styles

AJ Styles had some lofty praise for last week's AEW Dynamite bout pitting Hangman Page against Frankie Kazarian during his latest Twitch stream, with the latter's losing effort coming in for particularly high plaudits from 'The Phenomenal One.'


"What a match," AJ said. "I don't know how Kazarian is doing this stuff, man. This guy is in unbelievable shape. He's so good, he's great! I'm not at all surprised to see him put on that type of performance. He's unbelievable."

Kazarian, 43, has been with AEW since the promotion's inception, with his SoCal Uncensored trio amongst the first group of wrestlers unveiled at the launch press conference in January 2019. He has shared a ring with Styles dozens of times in the past, most notably in TNA/Impact Wrestling, where they clashed countless times between 2004 and 2013.


Styles also called Kaz's SCU stablemate Christopher Daniels "one of the best I've ever shared the ring with" during the same stream. "There are very few people that I've ever gotten in the ring with that took charge like Christian, and Daniels is another one of those," AJ added. "He was just on it, man. Knew my moves, and his moves, and would call it on the fly."