WWE's Stephanie McMahon Set To Release Memoir In 2020

But is this 'best for business', though?

By Adam Nicholas /


After much delay, Stephanie McMahon is set to finally release her memoir.


Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com confirmed that her book, UNREAL: Inside the Crazy, Fun Show Business World of WWE, will be published in August 2020 by Regan Arts Publishing.

The book had originally been set for a release back in September 2016 but was pushed back, with McMahon commenting on Twitter:


It would seem that 'one day' will finally be arriving in August next year, and while that will result in a near four-year delay from the initial release date, you could argue it's a delay that will only benefit the quality of the book.


In that time, the rise of the women's evolution has been meteoric. We've seen two Mae Young Classics, a (not-so-Fabulous Moolah) WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal, an all-women's PPV in Evolution and an all-women main event at WrestleMania 35.

With Stephanie McMahon having been the poster girl for this movement - both in and out of kayfabe - you'd have to assume that it will feature heavily in the memoir.


So while you can undoubtedly expect never-before-told stories about the industry and potential inside scoops on Triple H and Vince McMahon...

... you can probably also look forward to a detailed explanation of how Stephanie McMahon invented women’s wrestling.
