47 WTF Moments From WWE RAW (Jan 25)


By Ross Tweddell /

There was only one thing each and every member of the WWE Universe cared about as the RAW after the Rumble took to the air. And no, it wasn't what new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and The Authority would have to say for themselves in their painful 20 minute promo to open the show... The pressing issue was AJ Styles and how his opening few months as a WWE Superstar would pan out. Kevin Owens brutally eliminated the former New Japan star after almost 28 minutes of the action in the Rumble. Would this mean an independent fan's wet dream of a match between KO and The Phenomenal One on the Grandest Stage of Them All? Or does Vince McMahon have something else up his sleeve for his newest acquisition? There was so many potential rivalries that were spawned at the Rumble. A triple threat for the Divas Championship between Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks and Charlotte; Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt; Dean Ambrose vs. Chris Jericho and more... This episode of RAW would let us know if these pipe dreams would become a reality. As ever, there were those moments that left us screaming at our television screens and screaming WTF! Here's 47 of them...

47. Fancy Dress In The Front Row?

That Can't Be Allowed! Not on the hard camera side of the arena at least. I've got to admit, I can't recall seeing that one in the yellow vest ever... Who is he? A couple of years ago now, a group of fans who attended RAW in fancy dress, sat in almost the same position as the fans you see above, were told to cover up their respective attires with dark WWE shirts. Apparently, they were stealing some of the spotlight from the action in the ring... Yes, really. That means those brave fans in the front row there will be told to move in next to no time...