10 Fantastic Four Villains MORE Powerful Than Galactus

Remember when The Beyonder knocked out Galactus with a single strike?

By James Egan /

When you think of the most powerful beings in comic books, the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus, tends to spring to mind.


The Big G has countless abilities including energy control, matter manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, interdimensional travel, resurrection, and vitakinesis. I don't know what vitakinesis is but Galactus can totally do it.

When the Fantastic Four saw the bucket-headed giant arrive on their world all the way back in the 1960s, he was the most powerful entity they had ever encountered. Because of this, many people believe the purple-armoured destroyer is still Marvel's First Family's most daunting foe.

Galactus may be a force to be reckoned with but that doesn't mean the planet eater is the top dog in the Marvel universe. In fact, the former Galen doesn't even rank in the top 10 most powerful Fantastic Four enemies.

As hard as it is to believe, there are some beings in the cosmos with such incalculable strength, they make the world-consuming titan shake in his giant purple boots.

So, which of the Fantastic Four villains have power that is beyond the great Galactus?

10. Impossible Man

In Fantastic Four #11, the FF encountered an alien from the planet, Poppup, which Ben Grimm dubbed the Impossible Man. Like all Poppupians, the bulbous-headed extra-terrestrial can rearrange his molecules any way he sees fit. His malleable cells also allow him to heal from any wound, making him virtually immortal.


Because the Impossible Man is more of a prankster than an outright villain, it's easy to forget just how freakishly powerful he is. Even though Galactus seems invincible, he needs a staggering amount of sustenance in order to survive. The Impossible Man, on the other hand, requires no sustenance whatsoever.

Okay, that sounds pretty impressive but Impy couldn't possibly defeat Galactus, right? But in Fantastic Four #175, the Great Destroyer was about to consume Earth when the Impossible Man stepped in and told Galactus to eat his homeworld instead. After he devoured Poppup, the G-Man suffered indigestion that was so horrific, he exploded!

The Impossible Man may look goofy as hell but the green-skinned trickster can never be underestimated since he was one of the few beings in the cosmos to defeat Galactus.
