10 Fantastic Four Villains MORE Powerful Than Galactus

9. Annihilus

Celestial Galactus
Marvel Comics

Annihilus is the ruler of The Negative Zone, a pocket universe located on the cusp of main Marvel universe, Earth 616. Using a matter/energy manipulating staff called the Cosmic Control Rod, Annihilus vowed to destroy anything he considered a threat to his existence.

Although the Arthrosian alien was a recurring enemy of the Fantastic Four for years, he was never considered as big of a threat as other villains like Doctor Doom or Galactus. But after being exposed to the Opposing Force (the Negative Zone's version of the Power Cosmic), Annihilus' strength magnified exponentially, inspiring him to declare war on the universe.

After forming a monstrously-sized army called The Annihilation Wave, the Insectoid dictator swept through the cosmos, obliterating entire galaxies.

When Galactus attempted to stop him, Annihilus released two Proemial gods upon him, effortlessly defeating the Devourer.

Even if Galactus managed to defeat Annihilus, it wouldn't matter. The bug monarch respawns every time he is killed. So, when Galactus runs out of planets to munch on and inevitably starves to death, Annihilus is guaranteed to be still be alive long after.


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