10 Great Superhero Bromances

There's nothing quite like a good bromance.

By Daniel Underwood /

Fighting crime can come in many forms for the members of the superhero community. From the Dynamic Duos, the Fantastic Fours, and the Justice Leagues of the world heroes will team up to take on challenges bigger than any one of them can handle alone. But at the end of a hard day of punching villains and toppling criminal organisations, there are those hero relationships that transcend the professional or even the familial.


Lots of super people have super friends and for good reason. It can be a lonely existence keeping a secret identity and it's nice to have a confidant who can relate to your experiences in a real way.

You get the occasional scenes in comics of heroes shooting the breeze after the capes are hung up for the evening. You might see the Teen Titans eating dinner together or a couple of Avengers getting coffee.

But there is a step beyond your bog standard friendship. These crusaders of justice don't just work together, they are dang near inseparable even out of costume! The bromances between these characters have warmed the hearts of fans all over.

10. Rocket Racoon & Groot

Fans of the MCU will be aware of this space faring duo of the tree like being and the anthropomorphic Raccoon. The snarky attitude of Rocket juxtaposed with the limited vocabulary of the stoic Groot were a sight to behold on screen.


Having been paired together since their appearance in the Annihilation Marvel Comics Crossover event in 2006, the two Guardians Of The Galaxy are now seldom seen apart.

The close relationship between the two is evident in Rocket's seeming ability to interpret Groot's various intonations of his famous "I am Groot" phrase, often acting as a translator to their various allies in the guardians. Add to this the two trading "scavenger hunt" pranks in 2014's Rocket Raccoon series and 2016's Rocket Raccoon & Groot show exactly how much these two enjoy each other's company.
