10 Great Superhero Bromances

9. Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) & Booster Gold

Booster Gold Blue Beetle
DC Comics

The team of "Blue & Gold" formed early on in the pages of 1987's slightly more comedic Justice League, the two managing to form a comic relief duo within the already humorous series.

The two thought of themselves as the misfits of the misfits of the Super Hero community.

With Booster's initially selfish aspirations making it very difficult for him to be taken seriously and Blue Beetle's often taking a back seat to other more popular billionaire, smarty pants, non-powered vigilantes, the two would often lean on each other for moral support.

Kord's death at the hands of Maxwell Lord in the pages of Countdown in 2005 rocked the DC universe in a variety of ways. But none were more devastated by the loss than Blue Beetle's best friend, Booster Gold. So much so that Booster would later almost break time trying to bring back his companion.


Daniel Underwood hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.