10 Marvel Event Comics That Actually Lived Up To The Hype

Marvel puts a lot of effort into their big events, but only some are worth the excitement.

By Simon Winter /

Marvel absolutely love putting out events. It's a marketing dream, combining one main storyline with as many current ongoing runs as possible. Add a little storyline in one book and readers will flock to the next one, then the next one and before you know it, you're sitting on a whole bunch of new books that you normally wouldn't pick up.

Unfortunately, the sucess of these big events have meant that the Marvel offices are keen to adapt as many self-contained stories as they can. It's at the stage where, more often than not, events are less about storytelling and more about grabbing as much cash as possible from the reader.

However, that doesn't mean that all events are bad. Some of the biggest stories, influential scenes or universe altering moments happen within one of Marvel's big events and without them, the MCU wouldn't be the rich tapestry that we've enjoyed for the last decade.

From Empyre (which just launched in the past couple of weeks) to X of Swords, 2020 is packed full of big events and they're not going away any time soon.

10. House Of X/Powers Of X

The Dawn of X reboot has been one of the most successful reboots in Marvel comics. There was a lot of pressure to get the mutants right again and the first two alt-weekly books did an incredible job of reuniting a very fractured team.

For months leading up to HoX/PoX, you couldn't pick up a single Marvel comic without seeing the two-page spread, promising "the next seminal moment in the history of the X-Men".

The spread then made way for a preview of the new books, showing Moira MacTaggert and Xavier reading her mind. Again, the marketing team put forward another huge claim, stating this page was "the most important scene in the history of the X-Men".

Marvel wanted this to be a huge, important event, and it seemed like Hickman was ready to shake up the mutants in a major way, but did they pull it off?

Yes. Amazingly, the Dawn of X team put together an incredible set of storylines that interlinked perfectly.

Huge character development and the living island of Krakoa has given the mutants fresh start that has gone on to spawn some incredible spin off books such as the new iterations of Marauders, Excalibur and New Mutants.
