10 Most Brutal Fights In Superman Comics

DC's Man of Steel has fought in some seriously brutal battles.

By David Ng'ethe /

As one of the most powerful heroes in comics, it is only natural that Superman would find himself in epic adventures and clashes across the DC universe (and even beyond). His vast array of superhuman abilities and skill in using them makes him a formidable opponent and few are truly capable of matching him in combat, let alone surpassing him.


Due to this, it is a sight to behold when the Man of Steel meets his match. His foes do not share the hero's desire to minimize the threat posed to innocent bystanders and as a result, he sometimes takes on more punishment than he should due to his innate nature as a protector rather than a fighter.

That said, Superman is no pushover. As mentioned earlier, he is incredibly powerful and skilled, and this means he can dish it just as well as he takes it if need be.

This list sees the Man of Tomorrow taking on some of the most dangerous villains in the DC universe, as well as his fellow Justice League members and even a couple of powerhouses from the other side of the comics divide...

10. Rogol Zaar

Brian Michael Bendis's recent Superman arc expands the Man of Steel's mythology and initially helped cement the Rebirth version of the character in DC's new continuity. However, as his run progressed, it led to extremely divisive plot elements and characters.


One of these characters is Rogol Zaar, and despite his fleeting presence in the comics, he quickly proved himself to be one of Superman's most dangerous foes. The xenophobic behemoth was created by Jor-El and played a role in the destruction of Krypton due to his intense hatred for Kryptonians. (He believed they decimated lesser species around them for their own insidious goals.)

This naturally puts him on a collision course with Superman and Earth by proxy. The monster and the hero clash several times, with Zaar demonstrating might equaling or even surpassing Superman himself and in addition to this, wields an axe that can injure empowered Kryptonians.

What truly lends their fights the brutal edge rarely seen in the Man of Steel's battles is Zaar's savagery and Superman's willingness to fight back with a similar ferocity.

Rogol Zaar may not have been around for long but he presented Superman with a challenge not seen since his initial clash with Doomsday.
