10 Most Ridiculous Things Wolverine Survived

Being crushed by a train is just one of the crazy things Wolverine has survived.

By James Egan /

Wolverine has suffered more than probably any other superhero. He's been shot at, stabbed, eaten by a Tyrannosaur Rex, and sustained a thousand other injuries that would kill the average man.


But because he has a healing factor and an indestructible metal skeleton, the Canadian superhero can survive almost anything.

Because he shrugs off bullets and stab wounds so often, you'd assume Wolverine has a natural resistance to pain. But he doesn't. He's not Superman or the Hulk. If he gets crushed or incinerated, it hurts like hell.

Even though he unsheathes his adamantium-laced claws on a daily basis, he never gets use to the pain.

Knowing this makes it all the more bizarre when you learn some of the injuries Wolverine has endured. Did you know he has been decapitated? Did you know he's been blown up with a nuclear bomb... on more than one occasion?!

When you watch Wolverine be crucified, torn in half, or ripped apart on a cellular level, you can't help but question if the mutant can truly be put down for good.

Here are just some of the most ridiculous injuries that Wolverine has survived.

10. Gambit Blew His Face Off

When the X-Men went to the amusement park in Coney Island, Gambit suddenly appeared and attacked the team. He used his kinetic powers to damage a Ferris wheel to serve as a distraction while he kidnapped Rogue.

Although the Cajun only intended to take Rogue to his benefactors to help her control her powers, the X-Men assumed he was up to no good.

When Wolverine launched himself at him, Gambit pointed out that he can kinetically charge any inorganic matter until its combustible. He ordered Wolverine to back off or he would implode his metal skeleton.


Wolverine has always been fond of his skeleton and so, sheathed his claws. Sadly, Gambit isn't a man of his word. He shoved his staff into Wolverine's mouth and channelled his power through it, blowing his face apart.

Despite the fact his face was literally hanging off, Wolverine got to his feet and went after Rogue before he lost Gambit's scent. Within a matter of minutes, he was back to his normal self.

Now, losing one's face would usually be enough to take down anyone. But for this list, it only comes in at #10.
