10 Shocking Times The Joker Died

Looking at the many times the Clown Prince of Crime has kicked the bucket.

By James Egan /

In the Joker's debut back in Batman #1, the story concluded with the demented clown indirectly impaling himself through the heart. In the final panel, it is revealed that the nefarious villain miraculously survived.


This fake-out went on to become a staple for Batman's nemesis, since there is no character in comic book history who has seemingly perished more than the Joker.

It's almost like he's allergic to dying. No matter how many times he plummets down a chasm or gets trapped in a collapsing building, he always pops up several issues later perfectly fine. (Well, not fine. He is literally crazy, but you know what I mean.)

In this list, we're not looking at the times where the Joker seemingly cast off his mortal coil. We are looking at moments in the comics when he actually died. Despite his reputation for cheating death, the Joker has snuffed it a number of times - he's just conveniently also come back after most of them.

Although some of these deaths occurred in parallel universes or alternative timelines, the maniacal jester has croaked multiple times in the main DC continuity.

10. He Voluntarily Went To The Electric Chair - Detective Comics #64

The 1942 story, Joker Walks the Last Mile, was the first comic where Batman's most recurring foe bites the big one. The issue begins with the Joker complaining to his goons about the futility of his life of crime. Why should he rob banks if he can't spend the money without getting arrested?


Realising that he can never enjoy his wealth, he surrendered himself to the authorities and confessed to all his bad deeds. He willingly and gleefully marched to the electric chair where he was shocked to death.

However, this was all part of the Joker's master plan. His henchmen entered the mortuary and revived their leader using a special serum.

Since the Joker had carried out his sentence, he couldn't be arrested or imprisoned again unless he broke the law. Batman hated seeing the Joker striding around Gotham in broad daylight, knowing he was powerless to stop him.

Of course, it wasn't long before the sinister supervillain was back to robbing stores and stealing vehicles, making his entire plan completely pointless. Despite the fact the story concludes with the Joker nose-diving off a cliff, Batman knows full-well the maniac's return was inevitable.
