10 Strongest Forms Of Spider-Man

Spider-Man does whatever a spider can, but some Spider-Men are stronger than others...

By Jonathan H. Kantor /

Since he was first introduced to the Marvel Universe in the pages of Amazing Fantasy #15 back in 1962, Spider-Man has been updated, reimagined, retooled, and reformed dozens of times. The beauty of the Marvel Universe is that it includes a multiverse, and most realities within it have a version of Spider-Man.


There's one where he's an anthropomorphic cartoon pig and another where he's a vampire. Basically, anything that could be imagined as a different version of Spider-Man has been or will be created at some point or another - but not all Spider-Men are as powerful as each other.

Some versions of the classic character are stronger than the original, while others are significantly weaker. There are Spider-Women, Spider-Girls, Spider-Men who aren't Peter Parker, and there's even a Spider-Gwen to boot. The Marvel Multiverse is an abundance of interesting ideas and phenomenon, and a lot of it revolves around Marvel's signature hero.

Of all the Spider-Men in the multiverse, these ten are easily the most powerful. Ranging from Peter Parker to Miles Morales, Mary Jane Watson, or someone completely new to the Spider-Man mythos, these ten could probably beat the crap out of the OG Peter Parker, one way or another.

10. Six Arm Spider-Man

Peter Parker has not lived an easy life, and despite snagging some of the coolest superpowers in the Marvel Universe, he's had to deal with a ton of loss over the years. His parents, Uncle Ben, girlfriend, and many more people have died or turned evil around him, but at least he has his health, right?


Well, not so much, thanks to the simple fact that his blood is radioactive, and while it initially gave him some cool powers, things didn't remain that way forever. Back in Amazing Spider-Man #100, Peter drinks a potion which is meant to enhance his powers, and it does... but not in the way he expected.

Peter suddenly grew four new arms, bringing his number of appendages to eight, just like a spider. Fortunately, Pete was able to reverse this within a couple of issues, but Marvel explored what might have happened had he not fixed the problem in "What If Spider-Man had Kept his Six Arms?"

In the book, it's clear that the potion did enhance Peter's abilities by a lot. His extra arms added an incredible amount of strength and agility. Because this was a "What If," he was able to save Gwen from the fall that killed her in Earth-616's continuity, he easily defeated Doc Ock, and he was a powerful player in the Spider-Verse event.
