10 Superheroes With Sickeningly High Kill Counts

The high-score a hero doesn't really want to have.

By Zoë Miskelly /

On the whole, when you think of superheroes, you think of them as beings that don't kill. While famous figures like Batman and Superman aren't against beating a bad guy up, they are against murdering him in cold blood. (Unless you're a cosmic evil, but then the stakes are a little higher, so that's maybe fair.)


But, as it turns out, plenty of morally upstanding superheroes have killed a surprising amount of people. Even folks with supposed rules against killing aren't exempt, against all logical expectations.

This said, there are also plenty of heroes who have no such rules, and who have merely killed a crazy amount of people, for reasons that range between being totally justifiable to entirely based on a whim. These characters are often used to remind us of how thin the line between being a hero and being a villain can be. It shows heroes at their worst, yes, but it also shows us the willpower it takes to see someone do awful things and lawfully put them away.

Every hero has a couple skeletons in their closet - but as it turns out, this goes for some heroes significantly more than others.

10. Wonder Woman

It's almost funny that Wonder Woman is such close pals with Batman and Superman, when you remember that she's often incredibly game to snap necks and stomp faces whenever the urge arises.


While a spot of murder isn't Diana's go-to option, she certainly doesn't shy away from it. She's snapped Grendel's neck, beheaded Medusa, and just straight up stabbed people when she felt it was the appropriate thing to do.

Although the Amazonian warrior's morals stop her from killing as often as they encourage her to, it's still undeniably weird that she's often so damn blase about ending lives.

Indeed, it is this propensity to kill that has caused tensions between her and other superheroes several times in her crime-fighting career, the most notable of these being her stone-cold neck-snap of Maxwell Lord.
