10 Superheroes With Sickeningly High Kill Counts

9. Batman

Batman Gun
DC Comics

As a superhero who is famous for having a no-kill rule, it's more than a little surprising to have the realisation that the Dark Knight has killed a fair few people over the years.

Admittedly, though, these occasions are usually in the more uncharacteristic Batman stories, such as when the Bat boned Black Canary after burning a bunch of men alive in All-Star Batman and Robin.

There's also a frankly unnerving amount of murders in the original Batman series, which is especially strange when you remember that this comic was considered to be "for kids". Because kids love murder, apparently.

It's also worth mentioning that, while it shouldn't go towards his own personal kill count, the fact that Batman actively saves supervillains from the jaws of death does make him somewhat responsible for the string of murders they inevitably carry out afterwards.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.