10 Things Everyone Forgets About Nightwing

There are several things that readers may not know about Dick Grayson.

By John Wilson /

Nightwing is one of two major identities of Richard “Dick” Grayson, the other being Robin, the Boy Wonder. Dick took on the Nightwing identity after outgrowing his time as Robin, although subsequent retcons have said that Batman fired him after he was shot by the Joker or because he was spending too much time with the Titans and not enough time in Gotham as Batman’s lieutenant. Grayson created the Nightwing identity to save the Teen Titans from HIVE and Deathstroke.


Dick moved to the neighboring city of Bludhaven to investigate a series of murders and found that the town might be even more corrupt than Gotham City. He chose to stay there as the city’s defender but was invariably drawn home for nearly every major conflict, including the one that turned Gotham into a No Man’s Land. Luckily, Nightwing wasn’t in Bludhaven when the Secret Society of Super-Villains dropped Chemo on it, killing thousands of residents.

Nightwing is one of the world's greatest acrobats, a highly skilled martial artist, and melee fighter, and possesses a genius-level intellect and a gift for deductive reasoning. Dick is a master of team dynamics and has amazing leadership skills. He has the respect of nearly the entire superhero community and the ability to inspire, unify and rally them into an unstoppable fighting force.

10. Grayson Is A Man Of Means

In Nightwing #78, it was revealed that not only was Alfred Pennyworth a billionaire but he left it all to Dick Grayson because he knew that, of all of the children that he had helped raise, Grayson would use the money to help the most people. And he has begun to do just that, creating a foundation in Alfred’s name, creating a park, and addressing the city’s massive homeless problem.


But Dick has always been someone who has had financial stability thanks to those around him. His family had created a trust fund for him, which the Wayne Foundation’s Chief Financial Officer Lucius Fox invested and turned into a small fortune. It was nowhere near Bruce Wayne’s fortune but it did allow Grayson to make several key purchases that further funded his exploits.

Dick was able to buy the Haley Circus when it was about to go under and help it come back to financial prominence. It is now a thriving touring circus again and provides him with income. He also secretly purchased his entire apartment building at 1013 Parkthorne Ave in Bludhaven. The tenants include his one-time girlfriend and landlord Bridgett Clancy, former villain Amygdala and former Golden Age hero turned author Jonathan Law, the first Tarantula. The rent from the apartment, funds from the circus and other investments support and maintain his equipment as Nightwing.
