10 Times Spider-Man Was A Real Jerk

You know, maybe Jameson's got a point...

By John Tibbetts /

Man, Spider-Man sure is a nice guy, isn't he? Just swinging around, helping out, not doing anything that would make people label him as a big fat jerk.


Well, provided you completely ignore all the times where none of what I just said was true.

While Spidey has been written since his inception as a good, honest superhero who only wants to honor dear ol' Uncle Ben's memory by helping as many people as possible, he is also human, and thus prone to human foibles - which is an overly complicated way of saying that Petey can be a really huge jerk-face sometimes.

Whether it's catastrophically messing with the lives of those he's supposed to be protecting, or just being kind of rude, there are many myriad ways to be a jerk, and these are the moments where you just wanna introduce the wall crawler to the business end of a fly swatter.

10. Stole A Man's McDonald's - Amazing Spider-Man #141

Kicking off with one of the pettiest entries on this list, and in the history of Spider-Man as a whole now that I think about it, we have Spidey just straight up stealing food out of some poor dude's hands.


After some shenanigans with the Spider-mobile (because of course Spider-Man has a Spider-mobile, haven't you been paying attention?), Spidey decides that he's kinda famished but doesn't want to cause a panic by having the "menace" that is Spider-Man walk into a Mcdonald's and ask for a big mac. So he chooses instead to give Jameson an entire week's worth of material by just flat out stealing a meal out of a man's hands as he's walking out.

Just $11 down the drain there, thanks a bunch Pete. I mean, if you're going to steal someone's food out of their hands, why McDonald's? Aim a little higher with your petty theft Spidey, you've got to have some standards.
