10 Worst Comic Book Disguises Of All Time

An eyepatch, as it turns out, isn't that good a disguise.

By Zoë Miskelly /

There are few places disguises are as important in as comics. Not only do heroes themselves use disguises to keep their civilians lives separate from their crime fighting ones, but they also often use further disguises to infiltrate their enemies lairs and discover all their super secret evil plans - from villains who are often also wearing things to conceal their identity. It's the Inception of disguises, basically.


But because there are so many situations over the years in which various figures have needed these costumes, they naturally in how good many of them are. In fact, some of them are pretty terrible, transparently giving away the identity of whoever is wearing them - or practically doing so, at the least.

When you're an easily identifiable figure anyways, like Wolverine or Godzilla, it seems crazy to just pop on a suit or a trench coat and try and use this as an effective disguise - and it's even crazier because sometimes, this actually totally works.

So the next time you see three kids wearing a trench coat to try and pretend to be an adult, don't get mad at them - they might just be training to be superheroes.

10. Godzilla's Trenchcoat Look

It's a true shame in life that Marvel didn't continue with its Godzilla comic, because the series was an absolute thing of beauty - wild and weird and deeply, deeply hilarious.


Take, for example, the nineteenth issue of Godzilla, wherein his human friends attempt to disguise him while they have to walk him through New York. In order to try and hide this current six foot monster man, they place him in a trench coat and hat, as though that hides the whole "bright green dinosaur" thing whatsoever.

But, as plain as it is to our eyes that this is our favourite Kaiju, it clearly isn't to others in the comic, because two men then try and mug Godzilla, thinking he's some unfortunate human target. As it stands, he's actually a scaled machine or war, and thus this mugging attempt goes exactly as well for the crooks as you might expect.
