10 Worst Comic Book Disguises Of All Time

9. Tyler Marlocke

Wolverine Patch
Aaron Williams

PS238 is a weird name for a comic series, but once you can get past that, it's a pretty good time. It covers the story of this world's first school for super-powered children - only, our hero Tyler doesn't have any powers to speak of.

Despite this, Tyler also manages to keep his superhero alter ego fairly well hidden, despite the fact that you'd think people would connect the dots on account of him not having powers. You'd also think people would connect the dots because said costume is a black bodysuit with what appears to be a football helmet hastily placed over it, but that's neither here nor there.

It's a running gag that nobody seems to recognise Marlocke in and out of his costume as the same person, showing this is a case of the series gently parodying the trend of terrible disguises in more serious comics.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.