10 Worst Ever Members Of The Justice League

The Justice League isn't always DC's finest.

By Andrew Young /

DC Comics

The Justice League has been around for decades and has been through so many members it’s basically the Sugababes of comics. With well over 100 heroes having been on the team at one point or another, there are bound to be a few duds. And boy have there been some duds.


Not everyone is going to be as strong as Superman, as smart as Batman or as everything else as Martian Manhunter, but these guys are just embarrassing. These are the terrible stereotypes, the useless losers and the annoying sidekicks. All of them are rubbish, and some even intentionally so.

However, this list isn’t just about naff superheroes (well mostly it is since they’re always fun to laugh at), it’s about characters who don’t fit on the Justice League. Even a character whose great on their own merits might not gel with the rest of the team and can even find themselves overshadowed by some of their teammates.

With the Justice League movie soon to become a reality, here are some of the faces you shouldn’t expect to see on the big screen any time soon… and one who is already on the way to stardom.

10. Moon Maiden

A problem for most big superhero teams is that some members will simply be abandoned in-between stories, disappearing with little or no explanation. However, for Moon Maiden, being forgotten about is all part of her origin story.


Laura Klein was introduced in 2000's JLA Giant Size Special #3 and was retconned as being one of the Justice League's earliest members. Her bonkers origin was that she came from a race of Romans who had somehow figured out how to live on the Moon. She had the power to control the Moon's gravitational pull and inflict people with 'Lunar Madness' because, when all the good powers have already been doled out, you take what you can get.

Moon Maiden disappeared after her creator and arch-enemy the Centurion invented a weapon that could erase people from existence. Moon Maiden turned the gun on him and in turn wiped herself from continuity. That is until the events of the issue where her friends in the League were able to remember her and brought her back into reality.

And then she was never mentioned again.

Yes, the character whose one story was about being remembered was completely forgotten about by both heroes and writers. The closest thing she's had to an appearance in a story in the last 17 years was a cameo of her legs in JLA/Avengers #4.
