6 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week (2 October)

By Noel Thorne /

Summer has passed and we're now officially into Autumn, maybe the prettiest season, and none of that matters because we're interested in comics and good comics come year round (unless you're DC when you have gimmicky months of crap comics like WTF month and Villains' month)! This week sees the shelves once more heave with fresh books despite the cooler climate, and what a great week it is! I normally try to go for a good spread of comics publishers because there are a lot of them and the smaller presses don't get enough publicity despite putting out great stuff, but this week, try as I might, one big publisher kept putting out good title after good title, so this article might read a little one sided. But I tried, guys, and I really don't think you can go wrong with these comics if you're looking for a good read. In this article, we've got an Event comic, the ending of a couple story arcs, the continuation of a revived classic series, and a couple of first issues that blew away my expectations. I read a number of other comics which sucked and I might write about later in the week, but you and I should only care about these ones which are the most awesome comics of the week. Come with me if you want to read good comics!