7 Best Comics Series For Newcomers

Looking to dive in? Start here with these...

By Tom Regan /

As you grow older, its easier to fall out of touch with the hobbies you enjoyed as a kid - and often even harder to break in to new ones. In comic books there is a joy to be found that few other mediums can offer, with their unique meld of gorgeous artwork and enthralling story lines combining into something thoroughly unique. Yet to the uninitiated, the prospect of breaking into the vastly populated medium can often seem like a daunting task. As a newcomer or someone that is making a return to the world of comics, your local comic book shop can often feel a bit intimidating. Say you want to get started on some new X-Men comics: there€™s All New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force and countless spin offs all running simultaneously. Being faced with shelf after shelf of brightly coloured comic covers that often offer very little context, and numerous parallel series in the same universe, collecting comics initially seem like an almost impenetrable hobby. Luckily for you, we at WhatCulture.com are a generous bunch, and have decided to list the best series out there at the moment for you to jump into. There will be names you most certainly know, and others you probably haven€™t heard of. What this article will consistently contain however, is a list of some seriously essential reading.