X-Men: Days of Future Past is due for release this week. The film is based on an X-Men comic story arc of the same name that ran during the early 1980s. The comic deals with a dystopian future in which mutants are being imprisoned and sees Kitty Prydes future self transferring her mind to the present day in a final bid to prevent this. Despite technological advances having allowed mankind to conquer many things from space travel to splitting the atom, humans will probably never be able to control the flow of time. This has led to that very concept inspiring many works of fiction, with comic book story arcs being no exception. Everybody loves to see how their favourite characters overcome challenges presented by unfamiliar surroundings and time travel grants a great scope to do this; allowing characters from across a comic multiverse to interact and team up to save the day. Click Next to see a rundown of the Top 10 time defying story lines to have appeared in comic books.