10 Actors Who Gave Their Worst Performance In Star Wars

Even the brightest stars of their generation have struggled to make these Star Wars rocks float.

By Gareth Morgan /

Spanning nine Skywalker Saga showings, a number of big-screen spin-offs, and a TV corner that appears to be gloriously expanding by the month, this galaxy far, far away has seen more than its fair share of instantly iconic or largely underrated turns over the years.


However, for every consistently mesmerising Ewan McGregor study of a leading light trying to navigate the path of a Jedi and the eventual downfall of an entire religion/Republic and fiery Carrie Fisher appearance reminding folks of the hope that still remains in the universe, there's sadly also been another Star Wars performance that left fans with "a bad feeling about this" very early on.

And what makes the following lacklustre inter-galactic displays so damn surprising is the fact that each and every name involved had all very much shown how strong they were with the acting Force in the lead-up to their Star Wars debut, or have excelled in a great many projects following on from their time in this space-aged series.

Yet, from deeply disappointing villainous arrivals, to recast icons that simply couldn't outshine what came before them, each of these stars definitely didn't experience their finest hours within George Lucas' brainchild.

10. Joel Edgerton

The news of Joel Edgerton unexpectedly returning to the Skywalker Saga in this year's Disney+ Obi-Wan Kenobi series was quite rightly met with some tentative optimism as the Australian sensation stepped back into his role of Uncle Owen Lars for the first time since 2005's Revenge of the Sith.


Not because of his displays in the galaxy far, far away up to that point, mind.

Before he went on to become one of the most respected thespians of his generation due to his captivating work in everything from 2011's Warrior to 2016's Loving, Edgerton gave about as bland and lifeless a performance as possible in his brief and unmemorable stint as Owen in both Episode II and III.

And while his wholly forgettable borderline cameos didn't exactly mark him out as a one to watch coming out of the Prequel Trilogy, largely due to being given next to nothing of note to do on-screen, Edgerton did at least brilliantly bluff his way into many a meeting early on in his career as he confessed to being a bigger part of the Skywalker story than he actually was before Attack of the Clones' release.
