10 Actors Who Physically Transformed Themselves For 2015 Movies

"Wait a second, is that...?"

By Sam Hill /

Actors love to physically transform themselves in order to really get stuck into their film roles; after all, a great physical transformation - be it through the means of extensive make-up, prosthetics, weight loss/weight gain, or a good old-fashioned wig - can result in Oscar glory of the highest-order, because what better way to show the world that you care about the craft of acting than to mess with your body in interesting or crazy ways? That's right: each and every year, a wide variety of famous Hollywood actors turn up in a bunch of movies looking not exactly (or not at all) like themselves, forcing you to choke on your popcorn, spluttering a version of the following sentence: "What the heck? Is that ? It looks nothing like them!" Because sometimes an actor steps into the frame of movie with a whole new body, sporting a rippling six pack or with the new-found aesthetics of an anorexic stick insect. Sometimes actors turn up looking severely ill, or plainly ugly. Other times they emerge on-screen looking they've just spent three weeks on a beach in Florida, all shining teeth and tanned skin. It's a roulette, people, and nothing's going to stop the wheel from spinning! Audiences love to see actor transformations, of course, because it's the cinematic equivalent of your friend getting a new haircut. It's something "interesting" to look at for a while to distract yourself. To celebrate that notion, then, here are 10 actors who physically transformed themselves in big ways for a bunch of upcoming 2015 movies...