10 Actors Who Received Death Threats For Insane Reasons

There's no good reason for a death threat, but these actors were threatened for crazy reasons.

By Jake Black /

Columbia Pictures

As the old saying goes, you're not really famous until someone wants to kill you. Okay, so maybe that’s not a real saying, but the fact is that every famous actor at one point or another has come across someone that hates them. And sometimes that hate is so powerful that it can lead to an actual threat of death.


It's a sad fact that ever since actors became the pop culture obsessions of society there have been those deranged enough to take offense to everything they do. When you think about it, an actor is just a person who plays pretend for a living, so to actually hate an actor so much that you want them dead takes a special kind of crazy. But you don't have to look very far to find that crazy and then be blown away by it.

Whether an upset fan publicly preaches murder over a star's dating life, or a character's actions on TV are taken so seriously that a viewer is willing to kill over them, there's been no shortage of insane death threats over the years. Add in the invention of social media and it's become a lot easier to tell an actor you want to kill them. Not that we recommend it, but still.

Keeping in mind that it's never a good idea to make your intentions of murder known - or to have intentions of murder in the first place - let's find out which actors have hired extra security detail...

10. Scott Baio

Politics is serious business, but just because you disagree with someone doesn't give you the right to threaten their life. In fact, that's kinda the opposite of what democracy is about. But apparently no one told that to the people that want Scott Baio dead.


When Baio - of Happy Days and Arrested Development fame - came out as a Trump supporter during the 2016 US Election, he claimed that he received multiple death threats regarding his political stance. As one of the most outspoken celebrity Republicans, it seems that Baio was a prime target for those who wanted to make a death threat, but figured it was better to aim it at an actor from an old TV show rather than the eventual President of the United States.

Donald Trump aside, this wasn't the first time people wanted to kill Scott Baio. Back in 2010 Baio actually went to the FBI after Twitter users threatened him over a joke he posted on his account regarding Michelle Obama. One Tweet said, "A grand wizard like you Scott Baio should be put down and someone will put you down. You, your wife and kid."

And while no one's family should be dragged into an insane death threat, Baio's response to the incident and allegations of racism wasn't the best, since he simply tweeted, "I'm not racist... My wife's best friend is black."
