10 Actors Who Suffered Awful Injuries On Movie Sets

Lights, camera, *ARGHHHH*

By George Philpott /

The phrase “break a leg” is supposed to be a way of wishing a fellow thespian the best of luck for their upcoming performance, not something to do when it's a slow day on set.


For the most part, the life of an A-list actor seems pretty sweet: turn up on set, stand in front of the lens, look pretty and deliver your lines for the day. Then you either retreat to your trailer to play bongos with a drunk poet friend (looking at you, Nicolas Cage), or sit on your rose petal covered toilet bowl to unwind (looking at you, Barbra Streisand. Actually, no I'm not - you need your privacy).

But then there are the other actors who aren't happy unless they take on every gruelling aspect of the role, including attempting some of the death-defying stunts that the scene requires.

Sure. It's commendable that some actors want to take on stunts and action scenes themselves, but considering the risk, is it really worth it? Especially when there are body doubles who are more than willing (and better trained) to throw themselves off a building in the pursuit of capturing a great movie moment.

This list will look at the times that actors regrettably gave their stunt doubles the day off and ended up battered, bruised and almost at death's door.

10. Channing Tatum - Boiled Testicles (The Eagle)

Magic Mike star Channing Tatum was involved in an eye-watering accident which left his manhood smoldering and deformed like Emperor Palatine's face in Revenge Of The Sith.


This steamy slip up occurred whilst shooting the Roman historical drama The Eagle in 2011. The majority of the filming took place in Scotland where the conditions were far from toasty. In between shots of one specific scene, which involved Tatum standing in a freezing cold loch for hours on end, he would frequently pour warm water down his Roman Garments to keep the hypothermia at bay.

Unfortunately, in a desperate attempt to warm up quickly, he grabbed the bottle of boiling hot water and emptied it down his pants before it had a chance to cool down. In a very honest interview, Tatum revealed that the incident, had left him with no skin on his penis and for weeks thereafter, he had to painfully unwrap his bandaged unit every time he needed to pee.

He went on to say that luckily there was no permanent damage to his Channing or his Tatums but I guess we will just have to take his word for it.
