10 Actors You Won't Believe Have Never Made A Sequel

Fear of follow-ups.

By Sam Hill /

Because sequels are so darn prominent nowadays, it's bizarre to think that some of Hollywood's elite have actually avoided being part of one over the course of their long careers. And yet, it's absolutely true: actors of the highest caliber have turned down the opportunity to reprise some of their most iconic characters in franchises for a number of reasons, be it that they're only interested in playing new types or working with different directors, or because they fundamentally disagree with the notion of sequels in the first place. If a sequel turns out to be a waste of time for everybody involved, we tend to berate the actors who resigned themselves to being part of said sequel... whereas, if the sequel turns out great, we applaud their decision to walk on familiar ground. You can see why certain actors have spent their entire careers steering clear of follow-up movies, then, almost as a way of ensuring that they can never be criticised for "selling out." And indeed, you have to admire the stars who are willing to turn down the sort of payouts that sequels ensure... So which famous actors have successfully avoided making sequels to their own movies for the sum of their whole careers, then? Here are 10 that might surprise you, starting with the likes of...