10 Actors You Won't Believe Have Never Made A Sequel

10. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio started out his career in Hollywood with an appearance in the Godawful horror movie Critters 3, but given that he didn't appear in the first two movies, we're not counting that as a sequel appearance (which we think is understandable). Looking across his vast filmography, then, it's downright amazing that Hollywood's biggest star has avoided making a sequel to one of his films for so darn long. There have been a few opportunities for follow-ups, but given that a large number of Leo projects are either a) biopics or b) involve him getting killed at the end of the movie, sequel potential has been rather limited. Which is to say, a lot of DiCaprio flicks stand as totally self-contained stories... and he hasn't played any superheroes or found himself in any major franchises, either. Seriously: he could stay sequel-free forever! If He Had To Make A Sequel? Well, it would have to be Inception, of course. "Inceptions." Like the first movie, with even more dream layers.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.