10 Actors You Didn't Expect To Be Cast As Serial Killers

By Andrew Stewart /

When I started researching this list I started thinking about what constitutes a serial killer and that really boils down to the illegal killing of three or more people. Three. Think about how many characters have illegally killed more than three people in the history of film. It's lots. So instead let's think about what makes a movie serial killer, the "it puts the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose" kind of serial killer; antagonistic, unhinged and creepy but often also enigmatic and genius in the most twisted way. The list shortened. Playing a serial killer can be a way for an actor to expand their CV and there are some who have looks or a certain quality that allows us to easily see them in such a role. Kevin Spacey and Anthony Hopkins are more than capable of 'coldly intelligent' and some, like Michael Rooker, have an air of manic violence about them. But this list looks at the casting choices to play serial killers that, on paper, really don't fit. There are some here you've seen, some you may not have seen and maybe some you might want to watch just to prove to yourself that, yep, someone actually cast that guy/girl as a serial killer. Oh, and if you hadn't guessed, spoilers ahead.