10 Actors You Didn't Expect To Be Cast As Serial Killers

10. Topher Grace as Edwin in 'Predators'

This one stands out as an attempt to avoid type-casting as Grace steered away from his role in 'That 70's Show' toward comic book villainy with Spider-man 3's god-awful take on Eddie Brock/Venom and then on to this role. If you've seen the film then you have to recognise that Grace certainly did panic and intelligence adequately but the transition from wimpy good-guy to twisted killer didn't come off too well. As a twist in the plot it was cool-ish but a little unnecessary and I'm not sold on Grace playing cold and evil. However the lack of focus on the transition makes it hard to tell whether this was down to Grace's performance or was an issue of having too many other things going on to really care that he'd gone all 'Charlie Manson'.

This strange casting choice might actually be overshadowed by the other casting elephant in the room; the film's lead. Adrien Brody's role as a big tough guy mercenary, which he pulled off with aplomb, must have had someone at the studio worried. For a film that had two principle roles that could have completely fallen flat on their faces things turned out pretty well and they pair certainly didn't ruin the film.

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Founder of the 'keep Josh Pence's face off our screens' campaign. Things are going very very well.