10 Awesome Blockbusters Coming This Summer (That Aren’t Sequels)

By Alex Leadbeater /

Every year, as blockbuster season kicks off, cinema goers the world over bemoan Hollywood€™s seemingly never-ending production line of sequels, claiming creativity is dead. I've always found that a bit brash. While sequels are rife and it€™s increasingly common to have a film more concerned with setting up later entries than its own quality, on the whole they€™re not a bad thing. In fact the best major films of the year often end up being sequels; let€™s not forget The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises and Skyfall were all sequels. And there€™s hardly a soul around who isn€™t either gasping to see, or gleefully reeling from seeing Iron Man 3 and Star Trek Into Darkness. That being said, there is something to be said about discovering a fresh idea in a big blockbuster. Each year, people who dismiss Hollywood as a sequel production factory ignore the fact that there€™s copious amounts of films coming up that aren't sequels. Obviously there's some chaff; some look terrible, some don€™t get us excited and one€™s directed by M. Night Shyamalan. But there€™s those that look ready to set the box office alight. There's more variety here than you'll find in the various popular franchises and more genres are covered by big budgets than you'd first think. Here's ten of the most exciting for the coming summer. Prepare to see just how exciting and original the summer season can be. One thing worth noting when reading through this list is the massive gap between US and UK releases, with most films coming out a couple of months earlier in America. This normally happens due to major sporting tournaments or national events, but this year there€™s little happening on the British social calendar, which is confusing, but likely shows just how unsafe bets these films can be.