10 Awesome Blockbusters Coming This Summer (That Aren’t Sequels)

10. The Lone Ranger

Lone RangerReleased On: 3rd July (US), 9th August (UK) What€™s It About: An update of a long forgotten radio/TV character from the thirties/fifties, it€™s the story of a masked lawman teaming up with a native American to fight evil doers. What we can glean from trailers is the plot involves the expansion of America€™s railway in the 1800s, which from our protagonists view is a bad idea. Expect plenty of train based action, refreshing amongst all the sci-fi to come. Why It€™ll Be Awesome: If you want someone to produce a film that borders on terrible, yet will somehow sweep the box office, Jerry Bruckheimer€™s your man. In fact, the only film of his with critical acclaim to match its gross is Gore Verbinski€™s Pirates Of The Carribean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl. Thankfully, it is Verbinski at the helm of The Lone Ranger, who, fresh off Oscar winning Rango, appears to have moved on from the dire POTC sequels. Teaming up once again with Johnny Depp (playing a native American for some reason), this promises to be entertaining (if not totally complex) fare.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.