10 Awesome Moments From 2015's Super Bowl Trailers

By Jack Pooley /

The Super Bowl has come and gone, a time for humanity to celebrate mass commercialism at its finest by indulging in as much beer and potato chips as they possible can, and reveling at the millions of dollars spent to acquire 30-second advertisement slots during the big game. For many, the game itself isn't quite as much of an event as the annual battery of commercials, which promote the latest movies and see studios pulling out all the stops to sell their newest wares to audiences. With over 100 million Americans watching the show, it's no surprise that Super Bowl movie trailers typically feature big reveals and shocking moments in order to make the most of their obscenely expensive placement. And 2015 was no different. Whether showing off the latest insane action sequel, introducing a new movie you may not have heard of, or creating a special trailer tailored for NFL fans, the trailers for this summer's movies didn't disappoint, even if there sadly weren't any surprises from the Star Wars or Batman V Superman camps as rumours suggested there might be, and the Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer had no new footage whatsoever. Without any further ado, from ridiculous car stunts to new villains and outrageous cameos, here are 10 awesome moments from this year's Super Bowl trailers...
