10 Awesome Moments From 2015's Super Bowl Trailers

10. A Surprisingly Bada** New Terminator - Terminator Genisys

Though most of the new Terminator Genisys trailer was pretty much just a remix of previously-released footage, an interesting look at the new Terminator (presumably Lee Byung-hun's T-1000) did make it worthwhile. The trailer declares it the "new threat", as it walks towards the camera in one clip and in another emerges out of a giant fireball, recalling a similar scene from Terminator 2. The design of the endoskeleton looks distinctly different from that of Robert Patrick's T-1000, frankly looking much creepier, which is surely favourable to just copying the same store mannequin design. While it's easy to be skeptical about this film as a whole, it wouldn't be surprising if the T-1000 ended up being the easy highlight and one of the more compelling villains of the last three movies.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.