10 Awesome Movie Twists You Never Saw Coming

It's not easy to craft a twist that fools an audience, but when it's done right, it's movie magic!

By Jonathan H. Kantor /

When you sit down and think about your favorite movie, most don't have surprising twists. Sure, there may be an interesting revelation, but for something to be described as a twist, nay, one of the most awesome twists you never saw coming, it has to be truly special.


A twist like that has to make the majority of the audience gasp in surprise when it's finally revealed, and few movies have managed to do this well. Most barely scratch the surface in doing it partially okay, but the ones that crack the code and create a truly memorable twist, are something to behold.

There have been a lot of great twists thrown at audiences in the middle or at the end of some of the best films ever made, but most movies leave them out. After all, it's not easy to do well, which is why most filmmakers prefer to leave them to other people.

These ten movies contain some of the greatest twists in Hollywood history, and they pop up in all kinds of genre from science-fiction to fantasy to the surreal and action-packed. Twists aren't the property of any genre of movie, and across all the many genres of film, these ten movies managed to do it better than the rest.


10. Blade Runner - Deckard Was A Replicant All Along

In Blade Runner, Ford plays Rick Deckard, a special kind of police officer tasked with hunting down and "retiring" escaped human replicants, who are not allowed to run freely on Earth. The film kicks off with a group of Series Nexus-6 combat models make their way to Earth with the intention of forcing their creator to extend their four-year lifespans.


Throughout the film, it's made clear that the Nexus-6s were made to look too human, and it was nearly impossible to detect whether or not they were Replicants outside of a Voight-Kampff test. Despite this, Deckard's brilliant investigative skills make it possible for him to hunt down and kill each of the Replicants.

The twist in Blade Runner is far more nuanced than in most films, as it's one the audience can actually miss when watching Blade Runner for the first time. After Deckard finishes retiring the Replicants, he finds an origami unicorn in his home, which is identical to the one he dreamt about.

Or... did he? Because the origami unicorn is real, and identical to the one he dreamed about, it suggests that Deckard was a Replicant all along, and his dream was an implant like the ones given to Rachel to make her believe she too was human. It's an amazing twist, but if you miss the importance of the unicorn, it's possible to miss it entirely on a first viewing.
