10 Awesome Movies With Awful Special Effects

By Shaun Munro /

Awful visual effects have an uncanny ability to sink a film within minutes if it's bad enough; you need only look so far as our previous article on crappy CGI to see a mixture of movies both good and bad, and how risible effects tarnished their reputations. This time, however, we're focusing on films that, outside of their naff effects, are pretty damn awesome. No film can have it all, but a lot of these films got pretty damn close; some are efficient, entertaining action films, some are genre masterpieces, and in two cases, they appear to have been sabotaged by their own overzealous filmmaker in retrospect (I think you know who we're talking about). Here are 10 awesome movies with awful special effects...

10. Let the Right One In

To be fair, for the most part this stunning Swedish vampire horror flick keeps the scares minimalist and barely uses CGI at all, though this scene in which Virginia survives an attack from vampiric Eli only to find herself set upon by her pet cats is a good reason why they shouldn't have bothered at all. Pretty much the second we see the cats, they are jarringly, laughably false; they stick out on screen, and the more of them that appear on screen at any one time, the worse it seems to get. The jerky animation helps to make the scene, supposed to be terrifying, unintentionally hilarious, which is regrettable as the rest of the film is so finely-tuned as a horrific thrill-ride. Though achieving the scene practically wouldn't have been easy, there must have been a more convincing way to shoot it, or better yet, they just should not have bothered at all. It's not a scene the movie needed.