10 Awesome Things In The Best Summer Movie Season Ever‏

Did anyone see Guardians Of The Galaxy coming?

By Tom Baker /

It's become something of a tradition, here on WhatCulture.com, to reflect on the year's summer blockbusters, and pick out the ten dumbest moments. Given the way big Hollywood movies go, we're not exactly lacking in dumb moments to chose from. Even in the films that we loved during those balmy months, sat in a sweaty cinema being bombarded with CGI and one-liners, there are usually some pretty terrible scenes, idiotic decisions, bad performances or just plain awful moments. No film is perfect, really, except maybe the Shawshank Redemption. Or Sharknado. One of which isn't a summer blockbuster, the other of which is a TV movie, and so neither of which count. We don't like to be complete negative nellies, however. Sure, this summer seemed to feature an unusually high percentage of terrible moments in uniformly bad films, but we also saw some bonafide future classics at the multiplexes. Films which surprised us with their wit and ingenuity, movies that were much better than they had any right to, or just releases that featured scenes we would never in a million years have been able to predict. There was a heck of a lot of crap to be found amongst the blockbuster movie releases this summer but, as always, there are some diamonds to be found in the rough. These are ten awesome things from the best summer movie season ever.

What movie moments made you punch the air this summer? Did we miss any classically awesome moments? Or do you disagree with any of our picks? Let us know in the comments!
