10 Awful Films The Big Bang Theory Actors Want Us To Forget

Kaley Cuoco in a terrible sex comedy? Johnny Galecki in a Tarantino ripoff? You better believe it!

By Owen Davies /

Love it or loathe it, it’s impossible to deny that The Big Bang Theory is one of the most popular sitcoms to ever air on television. With each episode bringing in the sorts of ratings that CBS hadn’t seen since M*A*S*H, it was inevitable that the show would make worldwide superstars of its core players.


In fact, all of all the five cast members who were there from the pilot to the finale – Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Kunal Nayyar and Simon Helberg – have been consistently named as the highest paid television stars in the world.

But even when you’re raking in millions from being on the biggest sitcom out there, it doesn’t mean that you don’t want to do other work. The world of film is an especially ripe medium to sharpen your acting chops in.

The problem is that not all of these films are good. In fact, some of them are downright awful and will make you wish that you hadn’t bothered to leave the cosy confines of a multi-camera setup in the first place.

The Big Bang Theory cast all hoped that the world would forget about these particular car crashes. Unfortunately, we didn’t. And now, neither will you.

10. Kaley Cuoco – The Wedding Ringer (2015)

Rotten Tomatoes score: 29%


Films that clearly only exist so they can put a specific star on the poster can be hit or miss, to say the least. And the 2015 comedy The Wedding Ringer is a resounding miss.

Kevin Hart’s character in this has a name but let’s not kid ourselves... it’s Kevin Hart playing Kevin Hart saying and doing Kevin Hart things. So, Josh Gad is getting married and Hart is hired to pretend to be his best man, along with seven other men who are pretending to be his groomsmen. Can they trick everyone and convince the entire wedding party that Gad isn’t totally friendless?

Who cares?

Full to the brim with the exact sort of lazy, puerile humour that you would expect from a movie with this sort of premise, this 101-minute movie ends up feeling like three hours. Cuoco is relegated to playing the generic annoyed fiancé role and none of the actually talented members of the cast ever really get their chance to shine.

If your wedding looks like this, then you might want to start preparing for the divorce.
