10 Behind-The-Scenes Issues That Could End The MCU

How contracts, merchandising and other factors could do what Ultron couldn't: End the Avengers

By Chris McKittrick /


Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe can take comfort in knowing that we will not only see two MCU movies in 2016 and three each in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 but that Disney and Marvel Studios have also sketched out plans for the brand through the end of next decade. The MCU is already the highest-grossing film franchise in history, and if all goes according to plan Disney won€™t need to be concerned with any other franchise even coming close to stealing that crown.


But as with everything else in pop culture, popularity is based on trends and many behind-the-scenes factors. While superhero movies and MCU movies in particular are huge at the global box office, even the most optimistic superhero movie fans know that box office success cannot be sustained forever. Eventually one factor or a combination of factors will likely make the superhero movie go the way of westerns and bodybuilder action movies - slipping into unpopularity and irrelevance.

So what might cause the eventual demise of the MCU? Whether the following potentially killer blows happen sooner or later is all up to how the brand performs over the next decade...
