10 Best Horror Movie Remakes

By Bryan Hickman /

Two of the most frequently maligned types of movies are horror movies and remakes. Horror movies are often seen as derivative and vapid, and remakes are considered derivative and vapid cash-grabs. And let's be frank here, most remakes are bad. For every positive example on the upcoming list there are probably five to ten negative cases. But the truth is that not all "original" movies are good, and not all remakes are bad. Most great horror movies take a simple high-concept idea (meaning you could come up with a synopsis for the movie in one sentence) and turn it into scary gold. Just because a movie re-uses the concept doesn't mean that it is necessarily copying the movie down the line, and all of the movies on this list can stand on their own two legs. This list is dedicated to celebrating remakes of horror movies, and the quality of the movies here show that you don't have to make up the basis for your movie in order for it to be good. Sometimes to make a good movie you just have to make a good movie.