10 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Deleted Scenes

That time when Tom Hiddleston was Captain America.

By Tom Baker /

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has brought some of the brightest, boldest, most thrilling scenes that have grace our modern screens. From the thrilling Battle Of New York in Avengers to Tony Stark's showdown against Aldrich Killian in Iron Man 3, from the fight across the streets of Washington DC in Captain America: The Winter Soldier to whatever happened at the end of The Incredible Hulk, this superhero franchise has provided some top-notch movie entertainment. But what about the scenes audiences don't get to see? Hollywood is lousy with deleted scenes, from the illuminating to...well, to the lousy. The stuff that gets left on the cutting room floor can radically change entire films, or they can just be a bit of fun. Marvel has even more material to work with than most, working as they are from a good half century of comic books when adapting work to the big screen. That means there's plenty left over too. These are little moments culled from the comics, different versions of familiar sequences, to entirely new spins on characters and situations when compared to the finished product. Read on to discover alternate opening scenes, hints to the future, sibling rivalries and some very different depictions of Tony Stark. All of that and more to come up in the ten best Marvel Cinematic Universe deleted scenes.