10 Biggest Implications Of Marvel's Massive Phase 4 Delay

The entire Phase 4 slate has been postponed, and the ramifications for the MCU are massive!

By Josh Wilding /

Hollywood has come to a complete standstill thanks to current world events, and it's now clear that not even superheroes are immune to what's going on. Disney has shaken up its entire release calendar, and everything coming our way from Marvel Studios over the next couple of years has been affected.


With so much uncertainty surrounding when cinemas will be able to re-open, and productions on hold for the foreseeable future, this was to be expected. However, that doesn't make it hurt any less, and the implications of these massive Phase 4 changes are gong to be felt for a very long time to come.

The 2020 summer blockbuster season has essentially been cancelled, and it's not just Black Widow which is feeling the impact of everything that's happening in the world right now. In fact, it's no exaggeration to say that not even the next wave of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in Phase 5 will emerge unscathed!

There's some good news to go with the bad, though, and we'll also be touching on that as we delve into everything from new release dates to what's happening with those highly anticipated Disney+ TV shows, and even new plans for a few of the highly anticipated sequels coming our way over the next few years.

10. The Longest Stretch Without A Marvel Movie In A Decade

Black Widow was supposed to be released on May 1st, but Disney recently postponed the movie indefinitely for obvious reasons. That led to speculation about a Digital or Disney+ debut, but the studio has clearly decided to hold off on making such a drastic move, and instead dated it for November 6th, 2020, the release date originally held by Eternals.


Believe it or not, that means we're now facing the biggest gap between Marvel Studios movies in a decade. After Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk were released in 2008, it was a two-year wait for Iron Man 2 in 2010, and it's now going to be eighteen months between the release of Avengers: Endgame and Black Widow.

However, even if you count Sony's Marvel Studios produced Spider-Man: Far From Home, it's still a massive sixteen-month gap between the end of Phase 3 and start of Phase 4. That's downright unbelievable considering the fact they've gone from releasing two to three films a year, but it's not even the biggest release date shift announced by the studio late last night...
