10 Biggest MCU Surprises We Didn't See Coming

Moments from the MCU that completely shocked audiences, for better or worse!

By Marcia Fry /

The films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are filled with moments meant to surprise audiences.


The MCU has existed since 2008 and, throughout its run, we have seen the world and the characters in it change dramatically. Fan theories are rampant but no one ever seems to know where the story will go next.

When the trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home came out and the villains from the older Sony Spider-Man movies were confirmed to appear, it was almost universally accepted that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield would be making appearances.

Their arrival was an insanely satisfying twist in the movie, though we can't say it was entirely unexpected, given the recent hype about the multiverse from Loki and WandaVision on Disney+

This list will instead be focusing on twists and surprises in the MCU story that barely anyone saw coming. Moments that shake you to your core and make you appreciate the thought these writers put into the lore.

11. Evan Peters Showing Up In WandaVision

In Wandavision, we see Wanda Maximoff devastated by the loss she endured during Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Infinity War. Her grief mixes with her reality-manipulation powers to create an alternate universe pocket-dimension engulfing an entire town. Inside this bubble, known as the Hex, reality was whatever Wanda desired.


This makes it confusing when, in the episode entitled On A Very Special Episode..., Wanda's dead brother Pietro (aka Quicksilver), who was killed in Age Of Ultron, reappears, not as he looked before, but rather as he looked in the X-Men films, played by Evan Peters. Before this moment, the X-Men films were considered completely non-canon to the MCU, but now that was all thrown into question.

Theories of the multiverse becoming a huge part of the films were already rampant when this episode came out and seeing Quicksilver being portrayed as his X-Men variant made it seem like the X-Men universe was leaking into the MCU.

Unfortunately for the theorists, the twist ending of WandaVision seemed to confirm that this version of Pietro was merely a random guy named Ralph Bohner, who was recast as Pietro by Agatha Harkness. We still wonder, though, why he would have been cast as the actor from the X-Men films, but we may learn more about this in the upcoming film Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, where Wanda will appear.
