10 Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

Somehow the Death Star throne returned!

By Gareth Morgan /

The likes of George Lucas and the rest of the folks who have helped bring this galaxy far, far away to life, have rarely shied away from the weirdness within these alien worlds.


After all, this is a franchise that has introduced everything from green milk to brain worms over the years.

However, there are actually some moments and happenings that have gone down in this volatile corner of space that are so bizarre, they actually make less and less sense the more you think about them.

For the most part, though, lovers of all things Jedi, Sith, Rebel, and Imperial have simply found themselves getting too caught up in the joyous space opera fun to care about these few moments of hilarious or just plain baffling absurdity.

But there's still no denying that the following Star Wars events and reveals are rather difficult to explain when you take the time to really analyse them.

So, with all that in mind, let's dive into those peculiar moments when somehow Sith thrones returned and 'Chosen One's seemingly grew back portions of their limbs in-between films... but you were just too busy enjoying the Star Wars madness to notice/care.

10. C-3PO Is Barred From Speaking Sith - Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

Midway through J. J. Abrams' return to the galaxy far, far away, Rey, Finn, and Poe find a Sith dagger that will help lead them to the Sith wayfinder.


But before they can properly move onto the next stage of their quest, the group need to translate the ancient Sith language found on said dagger. Luckily for them, they just so happened to have a protocol droid pal capable of translating millions of different languages.

Oh, except Sith. Because that is bizarrely not possible due to C-3PO's programming restrictions.

During your first watch of Episode IX, the fact the aforementioned Palps had somehow made a comeback and other baffling developments largely overshadowed just how strange this reveal was in the moment.

Think about it. Threepio was created by a young Anakin Skywalker all those years ago. Meaning that this youngster apparently went out of his way to restrict his droid from speaking the language of a religion that was thought to be extinct around the time of Episode I.

That programming restriction then somehow remained after Threepio's memory was wiped after the Prequels? Also, wouldn't being able to translate Sith be useful for the likes of the Jedi and Rebels during the rise of the Sith and Age of the Empire?

In the end, the entire thing ended up being little more than a way to add some emotional weight to the team's mission, with Threepio having to sacrifice his memory in order to successfully translate the "forbidden" language.
