10 Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

9. R2-D2 Doesn't Tell Luke Skywalker About His Father - Episode IV: A New Hope

Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Emperor's Throne

And while on the subject of strange droid occurrences in the Skywalker Saga, R2-D2 certainly has some explaining to do when it comes to his behaviour in the Original Trilogy.

Whereas Threepio's memory was very much wiped after the traumatising events of the Prequels, it was never noted that Artoo's was. So, when he shows up in front of Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine in A New Hope, this little droid surely still had all that vital information stored somewhere, right?

Artoo was very much present during Anakin Skywalker's fall to the Dark Side, even travelling with Anakin to Mustafar before his dramatic duel with Kenobi amidst the lava.

So, the fact the astromech didn't take Luke to one side at any point before his eventual battle with Darth Vader and explain that the cyborg Sith was actually his papa, feels rather odd the more you think about it.

Mark Hamill himself also struggled to explain this apparent plot hole a few years back, responding to a fan on Twitter (via Digital Spy) by saying "I read this tweet, thought long and hard... then just shrugged and walked away. #NoPlausibleAnswer."

So, there you have it, even the star playing Luke Skywalker has simply accepted this utterly bizarre plot hole for what it is.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...