10 Brilliantly Self-Indulgent Movie Moments From OTT Actors

Cringe-worthy movie moments from the very biggest names.

By Scott Campbell /

Warner Bros.Despite what the annual round of Hollywood awards ceremonies may believe, great acting doesn't have to be subtle and restrained. While powerful dramas and portrayals of real people tend to sweep up the statues, plenty of unforgettable characters have been born from performances of sheer exuberance. Think of Tony Stark, Jack Sparrow or Heath Ledger's Joker; three 21st Century characters that became instantly iconic, and all three are anything but low-key. However, there is a fine line between a broad performance and an over-the-top one. Sometimes, actors seem to try a little too hard and the performance ultimately comes off as phony, while other times they can treat the material too seriously and just appear bored. Then there are the scenery-chewers; whether intentional or not, these performances have the potential to both make or break a movie. This article will focus on those scenery-chewers, and count down ten brilliantly over-the-top acting moments. Whether they are fitting with the character, the actor getting carried away or simply providing some unintentional hilarity, the common thread is that they all merit induction into the overacting hall of fame.