10 Brilliantly Self-Indulgent Movie Moments From OTT Actors

10. Michael Shannon - Premium Rush (2012)

Premium RushColumbia PicturesOver the last few years, Michael Shannon has built up a reputation as one of the most consistent and reliable character actors in the business, lending solid support in everything from his Academy Award-nominated turn in Revolutionary Road to Man of Steel. Here, the actor channels his inner Nicolas Cage to deliver a dementedly over-the-top performance as a crooked cop in David Koepp's lightweight thriller. As the counterpoint to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's likeable lead character, Shannon waltzes in as the villain of the piece and completely steals any scene he's in with charismatic menace, the highlight being when he explains that he doesn't much care for the insults that people use these days. Clearly reveling in playing the bad guy, Shannon doesn't just chew the scenery, he completely devours it.

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